Post Deployment Configuration with the PowerShell DSC Extension for Azure Resource Manager Templates
As part of a forthcoming blog post I'm writing for my series about Continuous Delivery with TFS / VSTS I want to be able to deploy PowerShell DSC scripts to Windows Server target nodes that both configure servers and deploy my application components. Separately, I want to automate the creation of target nodes so I can easily destroy and recreate them -- great for testing. In this previous post I explained how to do this with Azure Resource Manager templates, however the journey didn't end there since I also wanted to join the nodes to a domain and also install Windows Management Framework 5.0 in order to get the latest version of PowerShell DSC installed. Despite all that the journey still wasn't over because my server configuration and application deployment technique with PowerShell DSC uses WinRM which requires target nodes to have their firewalls configured to allow WinRM.
The solution to this problem lies with harnessing the true intended functionality of the PowerShell DSC Extension. Although you can just use it to install WMF it's real purpose is to run DSC configurations after the VM has been deployed. The configuration I used was as follows:
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Configuration PostDeploymentConfig { Node localhost { LocalConfigurationManager { ActionAfterReboot = 'ContinueConfiguration' ConfigurationMode = 'ApplyOnly' RebootNodeIfNeeded = $true } Script TurnOffDomainFireWall { SetScript = { Set-NetFirewallProfile -Profile Domain -Enabled False } TestScript = { $false } GetScript = { @{ Result = "" } } } } } |
As you can see, rather than create any firewall rules I chose to simply turn the domain firewall off. The main reason is simplicity: creating firewall rules with DSC needs a custom resource which adds another layer of complexity to the problem. Although another option is to use netsh commands to create firewall rules in my case I have no issues with turning the firewall off.
The next step is to package this config in to a zip file and make it available on a publicly available URL. GitHub is one possible location that can be used to host the zip but I chose Azure blob storage. The Publish-AzureVMDscConfiguration cmdlet exists to help here, and can create the zip locally for onward transfer to GitHub (for example) or it can push it straight to Azure blob storage. I was using the latter route of course although I found that couldn't get the cmdlet to work with premium storage and ended up creating a standard storage account. The code is as follows:
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# Authentication details are abstracted away in a PS module; use whatever works for you Set-AzureRmAuthenticationForMsdnEnterprise $context = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName prmstorageaccounts -StorageAccountKey yT4GBOlV39Y34M9ymxoaqFSMHZBtqG+FShxuooOG8/fDxKN+W+TCdtLtxiih+Y3PqlVFwi9BnWNv/aKtr38T0g Publish-AzureVMDscConfiguration -ConfigurationPath "$PSScriptRoot\PostDeploymentConfig.ps1" -StorageContext $context |
The storage account key is copied from the Azure Portal via Storage account > $StorageAccount$ >Settings > Access keys. Don't try using mine as I've invalidated it. I should point out that I couldn't get this command to work consistently and it would sometimes error. I did get it to work eventually but I didn't manage to pin down the problem. The net effect of successfully running this code is a file called in blob storage. As things stand though this file isn't accessible and its container (windows-powershell-dsc is created as a default) needs to have its access policy changed from Private to Blob.
With that done it's time to amend the JSON template. The dscExtension resource that was added in this post should now look as follows:
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{ "type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions", "name": "[concat(variables('nodeNameToLower'),'/dscExtension')]", "apiVersion": "2015-05-01-preview", "location": "[resourceGroup().location]", "dependsOn": [ "[concat('Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/', concat(variables('nodeNameToLower'),'/extensions/joindomain'))]" ], "tags": { "displayName": "InstallDsc" }, "properties": { "publisher": "Microsoft.Powershell", "type": "DSC", "typeHandlerVersion": "2.15", "settings": { "WmfVersion": "5.0", "ModulesUrl": "", "ConfigurationFunction": "PostDeploymentConfig.ps1\\PostDeploymentConfig" } } } |
I've chosen to hard code the ModulesUrl and ConfigurationFunction settings because I won't need to change them but they can of course be parameterised. That's all there is to it, and the result is a VM that is completely ready to have its internals configured by PowerShell DSC scripts over WinRM. If you want to download the code that accompanies this post it's on my GitHub site as a release here.
Cheers -- Graham