Versioning .NET Core Assemblies in Azure DevOps isn’t Straightforward (and Probably Won’t be in Other CI/CD Tools Either)

Posted by Graham Smith on June 26, 2019No Comments (click here to comment)

As part of ongoing work to enhance an existing Azure DevOps CI/CD pipeline that builds and deploys an ASP.NET Core application I thought I'd spend a pleasant 5 minutes versioning the .NET Core assemblies with the pipeline's build number. A couple of hours and 20+ test builds later...

Out of the box, creating a new build in Azure Pipelines using the ASP.NET Core template in the classic editor results in five tasks of which four are concerned with dotnet commands:

A quick look at the documentation for dotnet build and then this awesome blog post that explains the dizzying array of options and it's pretty clear that adding /p:Version=$(Build.BuildNumber) as a command line parameter to dotnet build should suffice as a good starting point. Except it didn't, with File version and Product version stubbornly remaining at their default values:

I established that /p:Version= works fine from a command line, so what's going on? After a bit of research and testing I discovered that unless you tell it otherwise dotnet publish (and dotnet test for that matter) compiles the application before doing its thing of publishing files to a folder. The way the Azure Pipelines tasks are configured means that dotnet publish is effectively cancelling out the effect of dotnet build. (And since dotnet test also cancels out out the effect of dotnet build leaves me wondering what is the point of including dotnet build in the first place?) As part of this research I also discovered that build, test and publish also do a restore unless told otherwise, again making me wonder what the point of the Restore task is? So out of the box then it seems like the four .NET Core tasks are resulting in lots of duplication and for someone like me the cause of head-scratching as to why assembly versioning doesn't work.

So based on a few hours of testing here is what I think the arguments of the different tasks need to be (for visual tasks or as YAML) to avoid duplication and implement assembly versioning.

Firstly, if you want to include an implicit Restore task:

  • build = --configuration $(BuildConfiguration) --no-restore /p:Version=$(Build.BuildNumber)
  • test = --configuration $(BuildConfiguration) --no-build
  • publish = --configuration $(BuildConfiguration) --output $(Build.ArtifactStagingdirectory) --no-build

Secondly, if you want to omit an explicit Restore task:

  • test = --configuration $(BuildConfiguration)
  • publish = --configuration $(BuildConfiguration) --output $(Build.ArtifactStagingdirectory) /p:Version=$(Build.BuildNumber)

In the first version build creates the binaries which are then used by test and publish, with the --no-build switch implicitly setting the --no-restore flag. I haven't tested it but that presumably means that --configuration $(BuildConfiguration) for test and publish is redundant.

Update A friend and former colleague Tweeted that --configuration is still needed for test and publish:

In the second version test and publish both create their own sets of binaries. (Is that the right thing to do from a purist CI/CD perspective? Maybe, maybe not.)

I did my testing on a Microsoft-hosted build agent and whilst it felt like both options above were quicker than the default settings I can't be certain without rigorous testing on a self-hosted agent with no other load. Either way though, it feels good to have optimised the tasks and I finally got assembly versioning working. Are there other optimisations? Have I missed something? Please leave a comment!

Cheers -- Graham